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    – Episode 9 –

    Spoilers ahead, ye be warned!

    Now that we’ve been given a dose of the good stuff, i.e. the main girls, returning to the school knowing there’s over forty-something more episodes to work with was fine by me.

    What was not fine by me was how far they went with using Tenchi-ken for a lewd sexual joke. It was completely unnecessary, and had I not already been on board with Ai by this point for a number of reasons it would’ve been a deal breaker for me. I didn’t like it when Kajishima basically did the same thing in a hentai setting (caveat: explicitly, in his case), but at least in that instance he kept that level of vulgarity separate from an actual Tenchi series. 😡

    It’s not even the “vulgarity” that bugs me, and even then that’s a matter of personal preference (in fact, I quite enjoyed the various “naughty” bits of the OVA, especially during “The Night Before The Carnival”). But in this case, in a “celebration of the franchise” for long-time fans, the fact that they used what by this point is an icon of the series at large for a quick dildo joke is tantamount to sacrilege.

    Hey, I tells it like I sees it folks, because as per the course we allow others to do the same.

    On another subject, one of our “Gif Master’s” gifs stirred a thought in me:" />

    Just as I remembered and is to be expected, Tenchi’s a farm boy, so even though he doesn’t boast about it, he’s fairly strong in a workman’s sense. I don’t know what kinda superpower/superstrength heat these new girls are bringin to the table, but it can’t be anything worse than Tenchi’s accustomed to, which means….

    Tenchi might not have been all that unwilling of a participant during his “interrogation” encounters: Tenchi likes the bondage scene. 😳 That’s right, I said it! New series means crazy theories, after all. 😆